We had no choice in the decision of what family we were born
into. It just happened by chance or maybe we call it destiny or fate; any which
way, we had no say in the matter and had no control over where we were placed.
Does that make us helpless to what life throws at us and therefore just follow
that path wherever it may lead? Sometimes I sit and wonder when I hear people
say its destiny and then I say to myself if things are destined to be the way
they are, then is there any point striving? Maybe I can just sit, watch and
things will just happen the way they had been planned from inception. Even
decisions made which led to certain outcomes people still call fate. Oh yes! I
believe its fate or destiny either which can be used interchangeably and this
is because WE as individuals shape OUR destiny!

The principle of equifinality explains that a state or goal
can be reached by many potential means. A desired situation can be reached from
different initial conditions and in different ways. There are therefore different
routes in achieving one same destination. All that need be done is to look out
for what works depending on our environment as well as the available resources.
Nothing should hold us back from turning our potentials into purpose. It’s OUR
...look at your life! ...look at your Choices!