October 04, 2012


Words cut deeper than we imagine and is carried on farther than we even envisage. There is always a ripple effect as soon as we blurt them out of our mouth. I have heard so many stories of people missing it out and some even living a life that lacks purpose because someone somewhere whom they looked up to at some point in their life said that they were worthless and wouldn’t be somebody. I see some parents scream at their kids and call them all sorts of names just because of little mistakes being made and the excuse for such utterances and actions being frustration and maybe stress. I know things could just be difficult sometimes and there’s just so much happening that the slightest thing upsets and irritates us.

Her already bright day can be clouded within the twinkle of an eye by just a word you uttered without even thinking. The next minute, you have brushed it aside and even forgotten you called her a moron but that word was immediately rooted in her and she nursed it right from that moment all through the day. These words flow like waves and create ruffles in the subconscious of the individual in question which is eventually displayed in some form and or transferred somehow to the environment or another individual. Sometimes I might be having a bad day and then something that I ordinarily won’t flip at irritates me and then my actions irritate the next person and then the effect goes on.
This effect is not only in the negative context as we can brighten up someone’s mood or day with the words that we speak or actions we display. Sometimes just a smile, hug or pat on the shoulder means so much to an individual that we begin to wonder and say to ourselves, “it was just a hug?” You have no idea what “just a hug” can do. There’s someone out there feeling so lonely and dejected that he begins to contemplate suicide just because no one just sees him and for those that do, it’s all teasing and mockery. We can’t close our eyes to these things because they are real and do happen; maybe not as rampant in our society as I would say that we have developed very thick skins and are ‘die hards’ in our part of the world.  So imagine saying hi to such a soul with a warm smile as you sit beside him on the bus or walk by him in the hallway. You have no idea have far that will go… you just don’t know!

Life is not just about you and therefore, you have to put into consideration the effect of what you say or do beforehand. It’s okay to get angry sometimes but let’s bridle our tongues and pause just for some seconds before saying that nasty word especially when relating with people younger or at a lower cadre than we are.  am guilty of this also because sometimes I get irritated, blurt out some things and then just minutes later I ask myself if I actually had to respond. This is not limited just words as actions could speak a million words even when we don’t utter a thing. So before saying or acting it, just think for a second what ripple effect it could create then you can choose what to and what not to do.

An Afterthought:
…..Know that the world doesn’t revolve around anybody; it rotates on its own and revolves around the sun. We are just in it so I believe we revolve with it. So when someone tells me that the world doesn’t revolve around me, I look at the person and say, “oh yes you’re definitely right, it doesn’t!” *wink *wink


  1. subex you are right bridling of tongue involves discipline,most times our emotions,circumstances and current status tend to overwhelm us

  2. awesome piece, discipline thats the word....

  3. Thanks ...there's always a chain reaction! :)
